Archeologists’ Thoughts on the Harris Matrix and the Principles of Archeological Stratigraphy
“It takes thousands of words to describe archeological events accurately and one Matrix to embody the knowledge.”
“Without the Harris matrix we cannot dig! I'm passing this on to the next generation of archaeologists.”
“Principles of Archeological Stratigraphy is an outstanding book, and I am very glad to have a copy to use in my work!”
“I have always used the principles of the Harris Matrix in my excavations, and this is a perfect opportunity to have this seminal book in a format I can use, abuse, and distribute without the risk of losing it.”
“As archaeologist working in the field, Principles of Archeological Stratigraphy is one of the fundamental books for archeological excavation.”
“El Principios de Estratigrafía Arqueológica es un libro clásico de consulta recurrente que contento de tener ahora en mi biblioteca.”
“The Harris Matrix is an indispensable tool in archaeological excavations.”
“I started a degree in archaeology at 47, and now my favorite pursuit is excavation and landscape recording. As I draw and record sites, The Harris Matrix is invaluable to my post-excavation analysis.”
“I’m preparing classes for high school students about archaeologic stratigraphy. Principles of Archeological Stratigraphy is difficult to get here, but the book remains a great resource for these students that I can now access online.”